Radenko Milak, Série Radenko Milak, 2014
La Kunsthalle Mulhouse, centre d’art contemporain
Aquarelle, papier - Formats 33x43 cm, 36x 48 cm, 36x50 cm 39x48 cm, 49x69 cm, 50x68 cm, 52x70 cm, 63x53 cm, 65x49 cm et 69x52 cm. Titres des 27 oeuvres : - 5MB Hard Disk Drive 1956- A Lebanese businessman, Edmond Khayat, carries wooden cross to protest the Berlin wall October 1961- A speck of the world’s first plutonium, 1946- Albert Einstein- Alexander Rodchenko, Pioneer- Assassination of Martin Luther King- Automobile arriving from the eastern sector of Berlin being halted by West Berlin police- Black September, Munich Olympics 1972 The age of terror is born- Bloody Sunday (1972)- Ernest Shackleton, Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1914-17- Harold Edgerton photo, Nuclear explosion photographed with a Rapatronic Camera 1 millisecond after detonation, 1952- Hindenburg disaster- Iceberg photographed in 1912 bearing an unmistakable mark of black and red paint. It is believed that this is the iceberg that sank the Titanic.- Kristallnacht- London readers continue to browse through a library, even though it is destroyed by German bombs.WWII- Marcel Duchamp - Man Ray, 1924- Monument in Krusevo from Socialic Yugoslavia- On the Seine in 1963, photographer Melvin Sokolsky shot the iconic Bubble fashion series in Paris for Harper’s Bazaar magazine’s spring collection. Alix of Modern- Paris 1968- Patrice Lumumba- Rosa Luxembourg- Russian revolutionaries destroying a statue of Tsar Alexander- September 11- Soldiers praying in Cologne Cathedral during WWII in Cologne, Germany- Sylvia Plath, Date of Death, February 11, 1963- Tito, 4- April 11th, 1909, Tel Aviv, Israel
Cadre de production :
Exposition collective « Il s’en est fallu de peu », La Kunsthalle Mulhouse, centre d’art contemporain, Mulhouse, (18.09–16.11.2014).