Synthèse des études environnementales
En 2023, des études d’évaluation de l’impact carbone de l’activité de 12 réseaux de la création artistique ont été commandées par le ministère de la Culture. Dans ce cadre, DCA a piloté l’étude environnementale de 5 centres d’art contemporain, choisis en fonction de typologies représentatives de l’ensemble du réseau.
L’étude a été réalisée par Laurence Perrillat du collectif Les Augures, avec l’appui du cabinet TranSyLience.Télécharger ici la synthèse des études environnementales
Guide de bonnes pratiques archivistiques
Ce guide, dont la publication est portée par DCA, a pour objectif principal de contribuer à la mise en place ou à l’amélioration et l’harmonisation de bonnes pratiques archivistiques. Il propose un panorama des principaux processus d’archivage et dresse des perspectives pour permettre la sauvegarde des archives des centres d’art contemporain.
Télécharger ici le Guide de bonnes pratiques archivistiques
Carte du réseau DCA en 2025
Télécharger ici la carte du réseau des centres d'art contemporain membres de DCA en 2025
DCA presentation brochure
Download the DCA presentation brochure in PDF format
Rapport d’activité 2023
Retrouvez les missions et activités menées par DCA durant l’année 2023 !
Rapport d'activité 2023 -
Remuneration framework & vade mecum
In 2023, DCA published a new remuneration framework for artists-authors invited to work in contemporary art centres. This reference document updates an initial reference document published by the association in 2019. It is accompanied by a vade mecum providing further details on its terms of application.
VHSS — Cellule d’écoute psychologique et juridique
Cellule d’écoute psychologique et juridique d’Audiens ouverte aux professionnel·les de la culture, sujet : prévention des violences sexistes et sexuelles. Numéro : 01 87 20 30 90
Rapport d’activité 2022
Retrouvez les missions et activités menées par DCA durant l’année 2022 !
Mediation in contemporary art centres
This brochure is the result of collaborative working for several months with mediators from various art centres in the network. It was published by DCA to highlight the specific nature of the mediation work carried out for the public in contemporary art centres.
This brochure was produced as an institutional communication tool for partners and professionals in the field, to explain the dimension of mediation in art centres and to highlight the power and the integration of these professions within the structures.
Brochure DCA — La médiation dans les centres d'art contemporain (Fr)
Charter of good practices for contemporary art centres
Adopted in 2019, the charter of good practices engages each contemporary art centre member of the DCA network to work towards the creation, production and dissemination of the visual arts by respecting a general framework that involves:
— professional support and minimum remuneration for artists;
— respect for an ethic of care and recognition of the specific nature of the professions;
— the role of contemporary art centres in the development of artistic and cultural education and cultural rights;
— respect for diversity;
— the environmental responsibility of contemporary art centres;
— inclusion in the dynamics of cooperation. -
CACIN label: decrees, orders, circulars
At the end of two years of consultation between DCA and the French Ministry of Culture, the official texts relating to the label were published in 2017, under the LCAP law: the decree relating to the creation of a “Contemporary art centre of national interest” label was dated 28th March 2017; the decree setting out the specifications and tasks relating to the label was dated 5th May 2017.
Ministerial Circular of 9th March 2011
Drawn up jointly by the French Ministry of Culture and the DCA network, the ministerial circular of 9th March 2011 on the agreement of art centres constitutes the first framework document for these structures.
It clarifies the criteria for recognition of these venues by the State and its intervention methods within the framework of its policy to support creation throughout the country.
It reasserts the founding objectives of art centres dedicated to the research, production, and dissemination of works by contemporary artists and their communication to all audiences.