French national network
of contemporary art centres

Contemporary art centres

Centre d’art Le Lait

Pas de lieu d’exposition jusqu’en 2024, 81000 Albi


Facebook : @centredartlelait

Instagram : @centredartlelait

DCA - centre - d'art - Hippolyte Hentgen, vue de l’exposition « Ficus », centre d’art Le Lait, Albi. Adagp, Paris, 2021.
Hippolyte Hentgen, vue de l’exposition « Ficus », centre d’art Le Lait, Albi. Adagp, Paris, 2021. Photos : Phoebé Meyer.

Created in 1982 and granted the “Contemporary art centre of national interest” label in 2019, the main brief of the Le Lait art centre is to support art (exhibitions, production of artworks) and disseminate contemporary art. It also undertakes educational projects and media programmes in schools, prisons and hospitals, and organizes exhibitions and actions with associative and institutional partners on a departmental and regional scale. It regularly takes part in international cooperation programmes, in particular through artist’s residencies.

Permanent institutional partners: Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles / ministère de la Culture, Département du Tarn, Région Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée, Ville d’Albi.

Director: Antoine Marchand