French national network
of contemporary art centres

Contemporary art centres

CAC Brétigny, Centre d’art contemporain d’intérêt national

Rue Henri Douard, 91220 Brétigny-sur-Orge


Facebook : @cacbretigny

Instagram : @cacbretigny

DCA - centre d'art - Vue extérieure du CAC Brétigny lors de l’exposition « Nid » de Camille Bernard, avec Corentin Darré, Simon Lahure et l'Ǝcole en 2022. Commissariat : Équipe CAC Brétigny. Photo : Aurélien Mole.Recherche graphique (signes vitres) : Charles Mazé & Coline Sunier.
Vue extérieure du CAC Brétigny lors de l’exposition « Nid » de Camille Bernard, avec Corentin Darré, Simon Lahure et l’Ǝcole en 2022. Commissariat : Équipe CAC Brétigny. Photo : Aurélien Mole. Recherche graphique (signes vitres) : Charles Mazé & Coline Sunier.
DCA - centre d'art - Vue extérieure du CAC Brétigny lors de l’exposition collective «The Real Show». Commissariat:  Céline Poulin et Agnès Violeau. Charles Mazé & Coline Sunier, L’Enseigne, 2020 & L'ABCC du CACB. CAC Brétigny, 2022. Photo: Équipe CAC Brétigny.
Vue extérieure du CAC Brétigny lors de l’exposition collective «The Real Show». Commissariat: Céline Poulin et Agnès Violeau. Charles Mazé & Coline Sunier, L’Enseigne, 2020 & L’ABCC du CACB. CAC Brétigny, 2022. Photo : Équipe CAC Brétigny.
DCA - centre d'art - Vue de l’Edutainer de l’Atelier Van Lieshout, espace de médiation et de résidence situé sur le parvis du CAC Brétigny, 2020. Photo: Équipe CAC Brétigny
Vue de l’Edutainer de l’Atelier Van Lieshout, espace de médiation et de résidence situé sur le parvis du CAC Brétigny, 2020. Photo : Équipe CAC Brétigny.

Designed as a kind of intermediary between a multimedia library and a theater, CAC Brétigny is not merely open to its surroundings. From the creation of on-site artworks that make it possible to take over and significantly alter a site, to involving amateur groups in producing and appreciating art, CAC Brétigny has always emphasized its singularity by paying special attention to the women and men who form the center and help it to grow.

CAC Brétigny has been fashioning a structure and a program of events and exhibitions that make both artists and audiences true end users. The program of art events, structured by Céline Poulin, includes all the activities of the art centre, from communications to production to outreach. The CAC Brétigny finds itself functioning as a collective space, where each guest, each partner and each member of the team is actively participating in the construction and identity of the project. For the experimental video channel “Pillow Programme”, the CAC Brétigny staff thus invited certain artists who have been a part of the centre’s daily existence, who have shared in and supported its activities. In 2022, “Nest” is also curated collectively, involving all the people working at the art centre. Within this exhibition, the experimentations of l’Ǝcole, a project co-created by the art centre team and different users, artists, theorists, teachers, etc, write themselves. The CAC Brétigny is in fact fed by the theories of popular education and co-creation, particularly at the crossroads between amateur and professional practice, between educational and artistic activity. Thus, the graphic designers Coline Sunier & Charles Mazé came up with an identity for CAC Brétigny that is an ever-evolving joint construction with the centre. It is a project that embodies CAC Brétigny, which is diverse and open, like any space that wants to remain vibrant and alive and continue to be relevant.

The CAC Brétigny is a cultural establishment of Cœur d´Essonne Agglomeration. Labeled as a Contemporary art centre of national interest, it benefits from the support of the French Ministry of Culture — DRAC Île-de-France, Région Île-de-France and Conseil départemental de l’Essonne, with the complicity of the Brétigny-sur-Orge’s municipality. CAC Brétigny is a member of TRAM and DCA.

Director: under recruitment