French national network
of contemporary art centres

Contemporary art centres

Bétonsalon — centre d’art et de recherche

9 esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet, 75013 Paris


Facebook : @betonsalon

Instagram : @betonsalon

DCA - centre d'art - Bétonsalon – centre d’art et de recherche, Paris, 2022
Bétonsalon – centre d’art et de recherche, Paris, 2022. Photo : Pierre Antoine.
DCA - centre d'art - Vue de l’exposition de Tiphaine Calmettes, «  Par le chant grondant des vibrations autour », à Bétonsalon, 2022 © Adagp, Paris, 2022 Photo : Pierre Antoine.
Vue de l’exposition de Tiphaine Calmettes, «  Par le chant grondant des vibrations autour », à Bétonsalon, 2022 Adagp, Paris, 2022. Photo : Pierre Antoine.
DCA - centre d'art - Vue de l’exposition de Judith Hopf, « Énergies » à Bétonsalon, 2022. Courtesy de l’artiste et de Deborah Schamoni © Adagp, Paris, 2022 / Judith Hopf. Photo : Pierre Antoine.
Vue de l’exposition de Judith Hopf, « Énergies » à Bétonsalon, 2022. Courtesy de l’artiste et de Deborah Schamoni. Adagp, Paris, 2022 / Judith Hopf. Photo : Pierre Antoine.

Bétonsalon is a centre for contemporary art and research. An art centre that aims to provide hands-on experience of creativity in all its forms.
A centre for research in action and in theory, where the forms of research and those of its sharing are to coincide and nascent languages develop.
A source of situated practices and knowledge which, in collaboration with the Université de Paris, generates new angles of approach, as it addresses common or divergent perspectives.
A situation offering a pathway through uncertainty, where testing and decentring are resources capable of inventing ways of bringing us together.
A reflexive, inclusive, feminist, antiracist art institution, actively combating all forms of discrimination and of necessity required to provide proof of the implementation of its stated ideals.
A place recep­tive to its surroundings, both locally and as part of international networks of allies.
A welcoming site where the collective dimension is a daily commitment.

The programme includes solo and group exhibitions by emerging, reemerging, reputed and forgotten artists; multidisciplinary events with maximum emphasis on attentiveness and interchange; cultural liaison and research into experimental liaison and educational methods; research and creation residencies; and a miscellany of off-site activities for various publics and local bodies. Bétonsalon functions in collaboration with local, national and international organisations.

Director: Émilie Renard