French national network
of contemporary art centres

Contemporary art centres

BBB centre d’art

96 rue Michel-Ange, 31200 Toulouse


BBB art centre
BBB art centre, 2021
Nicolas Puyjalon, L'Usine à Oubli #1, 2021 et Marion Mounic, Les Immortelles, 2021. Vue de l’exposition « Et j’ai vu le bout du pays où les nuages sont infinis. Volet I : Éprouver le territoire » au BBB centre d’art, 2022. Commissaire : Stefania Meazza. Crédit photo : François Deladerrière, 2022.
Nicolas Puyjalon, L’Usine à Oubli #1, 2021 et Marion Mounic, Les Immortelles, 2021. Vue de l’exposition « Et j’ai vu le bout du pays où les nuages sont infinis. Volet I : Éprouver le territoire » au BBB centre d’art, 2022. Commissaire : Stefania Meazza. Crédit photo : François Deladerrière, 2022.

As a contemporary art centre and visual arts resource platform for over 30 years in Toulouse, the BBB art centre develops a contemporary artistic programme and cultural actions open to all, while offering specific services to professional artists.
The artistic programme places the question of the contexts, the spaces of the work and the spectator at the centre of its explorations and proposals, as part of a questioning, a representation and a perspective of our time - from art, from the world.

For the promotion of contemporary creation, the art centre has several levels of intervention, from local to international: financing new works or relevant editions, professional or public events, artistic exchanges and institutional partnerships.

For a special relationship with the public, the BBB art centre develops an important programme of cultural action aimed at individuals or groups in partnership with the educational, social, entertainment, health and business sectors: events, visits, workshops for plastic experimentation, artist interventions, etc.

BBB art centre is also a resource platform for artists and cultural actors, which it supports in their professionalization process by providing tools, access to updated information, project support and specialization training. It offers legal and accounting advice as well as project monitoring and support in formalising responses to calls for tender.